Current Projects

word learning with samples of "round" words - moon, pizza, bubble, ball, button

SPELL (a study about how 18- to 27-month-olds learn words)

What is this study about? When we learn a word, we are not only learning the label itself but the properties of the thing it…

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girl pointing at object on the computer

LINK – Leveraging Interests and Nurturing Knowledge

What is the LINK project about?  Learning new words can seem really easy, especially when many children do this so effortlessly. In reality, it is…

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a selection of children's toys on a table

STL – Sense To Learn

What is this study about? We are studying how sensory information, like sight, touch, and smell, influences how children learn new words and understand language.…

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child looking at something on a computer

Toddler Word Learning Study – Ongoing, not currently recruiting

Study ongoing,  not currently recruiting What is this study about? We are exploring how children learn language before they enter school. We plan to follow…

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